Individual Giving and the Children’s Promise Act

Did you know that private individuals can earn a credit on your Mississippi taxes by donating to Canopy? A couple filing jointly can receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit up to $1,800 for donations made to a Qualified Charitable Organization (QCO) and/or Qualified Foster Care Charitable Organization (QFCCO) like Canopy!

To qualify, it takes three easy steps:

Step 1: Complete the application with the Mississippi Department of Revenue to receive your tax credit allocation.

Step 2: Donate to Canopy! If you’ve already donated this calendar year, that donation qualifies you for this tax credit. Maximize your credit with a donation of $1,800 for couples filing jointly or $900 for an individual.

Step 3: Send verification to the Department of Revenue in the form of an acknowledgement receipt (provided by Canopy) that your donation has been made.

Why Canopy?

When you receive your tax credit, we hope you’ll not only consider the benefit it has on your own family, but the families your contribution has gone on to serve. The Children’s Promise Act was created to encourage Mississippians to support our most vulnerable youth, particularly those touched by our child welfare system. Canopy serves approximately 67 percent of Mississippi children on the verge of entering foster care with a 97 percent success rate of keeping families intact and helping them overcome extraordinary challenges. By choosing to support Canopy, you can feel confident in your ability to make a difference with upwards of 93 cents of every dollar given to Canopy being directly used to serve Mississippi kids in crisis. Our impact creates meaningful change, and in lending your support to Canopy, you can too.

Click here to learn more about individual opportunities through the Children’s Promise Act, and how you can help more kids like Emmitt become success stories:

Emmitt came to Canopy’s CARES School Hattiesburg when he was 8 years old. At the time, he was completely non-verbal and communicated with staff and peers by kicking, spitting and hitting whenever someone tried to address him. 

After adjustments in his classroom placement, he slowly began to reduce his aggression at school. Sensing his frustration may be the result of an inability to communicate effectively, his teacher met with his speech pathologist, Individual Education Plan (IEP) team and members of the school district administration to recommend and obtain a personal communication device for Emmitt. 

Since receiving the device, Emmitt has slowly started repeating words and indicating pictures on his device to communicate with staff and peers. He is thriving in the classroom and is now building friendships with classmates. He’s also able to verbally communicate using words and short phrases such as “Emmitt good,” “Emmitt bus,” and “Emmitt go home.” Emmitt has not had an aggressive outburst in months. His mother also reported he is starting to answer questions and communicate collaboratively with others.

Through the cooperative hard work between CARES School staff, his parents, the school district and his speech pathologist, he is starting middle school with a slow transition back into his public school district.

Success stories, or “Mission Moments” as they are called at Canopy, are largely possible in part thanks to the generosity of private and corporate donors who believe in the power of transformation.
