
Selfless Love

Special Delivery

One cold morning, a young woman rang the doorbell of Canopy Children’s Solutions. In her arms she held a tiny newborn, just hours old, wrapped tightly in a sweatshirt. With tears in her eyes, she offered the tiny bundle to the unsuspecting Canopy employee.

“I want him to have a good home,” the young, scared mother said. “Just promise me, you will find him a loving home.”

“As soon as the birth mother presented the child to Canopy, his well-being became our first priority,” said Wanda Thomas, Director of Intensive In-Home Services. “He was Canopy’s baby. Our staff made sure every need was taken care of from clothing to food… even toys.”

“Once the child was released from the hospital, we were able to fulfill the birth mother’s wishes and provide him with a loving adoptive family,” Thomas continued.

The parents met their new baby for first time lying in the soft white cradle the agency has used in every infant adoption for more than 100 years. A mother’s arms are now full because of the selfless love a young mother had for her child.

adoption wordsPainful Decision

The choice of adoption can be painful and very difficult. While some may be quick to judge how someone can “give up” their child, this type of sacrifice comes from a place not of selfishness, but of pure, unconditional love. When faced with a difficult situation, she chooses to love her child enough to give him or her life and then to extend that love to a family who will nurture and care for her baby.

Each year, the Saturday before Mother’s Day is designated as Birth Mother’s Day to commemorate the brave women who chose to grow the families of others while treasuring the love for their children in their hearts.

Canopy Children’s Solutions is a licensed adoption agency helping place children in the security of permanent, loving homes for more than a century. To learn more about Canopy’s Adoption and Maternity Solutions, click here.
