Advancing Innovation in Autism

Six of Canopy’s Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) from the Center of Excellence Autism Solutions team had the opportunity in May to attend the Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) Conference in Chicago.

Canopy behavior analysts Madeline Potter, Laura Katherine (LK) Barker, Nicole Thomason and Clinic Manager Dr. Chris Furlow led a conference presentation on recent applications of Behavioral Skills Training, specifically how to train staff in a clinic and school setting. Staff in both settings were trained on the correct implementation of the Promoting the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK) curricula and assessment models. Canopy’s Early Intervention Clinic in Jackson currently runs more PEAK assessments than any other clinic in the world.

Director of Autism Solutions Dr. Jim Moore co-presented a symposium alongside PEAK author Dr. Mark Dixon. The duo presented detailed clinical data making a case for adaptation in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) approaches.

The annual conference brings together individuals from across the globe to provide training in best practices, educational forums, and the opportunity to collaborate with other clinicians. In total, the 2019 conference was attended by more than 5,000 individuals including behavior analysts, parents, teachers, speech pathologists and other clinical professionals and encompassed 549 presentations and 75 workshops.

The Autism Solutions team had the opportunity to attend workshops and seminars on best practices in ABA and parent training delivery. This will help support a new initiative through the Center of Excellence that will provide parent training for families of children with autism who currently do not have access to ABA therapy.  This initiative will begin in July thanks to a grant from the Mississippi Council on Developmental Disabilities.
