Holidays at Canopy

Join us in celebrating over 110 years of serving Mississippi’s children by fueling Canopy’s mission this holiday season! From providing gifts and stocking stuffers to reading bedtime stories and spreading holiday cheer, there are several ways to make this a wonderful holiday season for the children in Canopy’s care.

Holiday Opportunities with Canopy:

  • 24 Nights | Cozy in their pajamas, the children in Canopy’s care find joy in hearing a story filled with hope during a nightly story time during 24 Nights of Christmas. This year, you can make spirits bright by bringing your favorite holiday story to read. Along with a story, you can bring hot chocolate, crafts, coloring pages and more. CLICK HERE to sign up for a night at Canopy’s CARES Center in Jackson, MS. Children are ages 6-10.
  • 25 Days | From gingerbread houses to caroling, volunteers are invited to provide a daytime holiday activity for the children at Canopy’s CARES Center in Jackson, MS, through the month of December. CLICK HERE to sign up. Children are ages 6-17.
  • Wish Lists | Grant a holiday wish for a child in Canopy’s care! Over 100 children will complete a holiday wish list which includes clothing, toys, games and more. E-mail to receive a wish list and more information. Fulfilled wish lists are due back to Canopy on Friday, December 15, 2023.  
  • Fuel the Mission | Give a gift in honor of a loved one, and your honoree will receive a special holiday card to acknowledge a donation was made in their honor. Your donations helped nearly 8,000 children plus their families last year! CLICK HERE to donate.
  • Support a Local Canopy Toy Drive