Canopy Community Hope Award Recipients Announced

It all starts with hope. Hope is the belief that your future can be brighter and better than your past and that you actually have a role to play in making it better. Building communities of hope around our children and families allows them to begin healing, overcoming extraordinary challenges, and utilizing the tools to thrive. Through these communities of support, our children can become success stories. Quarterly, Canopy Children’s Solutions will recognize individuals and organizations in our community that play an active role in supporting our efforts in providing hope. Read below about our first recipients of the Community Hope Award:

Kimberly McDowell, Mississippi Department of Child Protective Services (MDCPS)- “Kimberly is an advocate and a strong source of inspiration to Canopy Children’s Solutions families who have nowhere else to turn. She works with the in-CIRCLE team and family in setting goals and always offers a willing hand to assist in removing barriers that prevent successfully achieving goals. Kimberly McDowell is a true source of hope for our families and community.” – Kimberly B. Young, in-CIRCLE Supervisor

Dr. Charles Stevenson, Principal – “We believe that Dr. Stevenson’s support was instrumental in helping these student succeed and we expect them to thrive in Rankin County School District.” – Maureen Long, Principal, CARES School Jackson

Stacy Jones, Parkwood Behavioral Health – “Stacy partners with Canopy MYPAC Solutions to help provide additional resources to the families he encounters. He has provided insight on where adjustments could be made to ensure that the best solutions are provided to the families. Stacy is often praised by the families. He has earned their trust by giving them a pathway of hope for success.” – Maria Perry, MYPAC Program Specialist

Roy Ann Bell, Emerson Family Center – “Roy Ann and the Emerson Family Center provide educational resources and promote family interaction. The center also promotes family interaction by providing an activity night each week. – Tim Weaver, Case Manager

Reginald Singleton, MDCPS Washington County- “Reginald goes above and beyond in support of children and families. He inspires families to become better by displaying a caring spirit and providing the resources to begin the process of rebuilding.” – Derrick Causey, Case Manager & Lillian Appleton, Therapist

Kids HUB Child Advocacy Center – “Kids Hub CAC refers children who have been a victim and/or witness to a traumatic event. Kids Hub instills hope in the victims or witnesses of these traumatic events through healing within our therapeutic solutions. They follow up with these clients through multi-disciplinary team meetings.” – Connie Anderson, Therapist

Pastor Kajsa Cole, Women of Fire of The Firehouse Church – “Pastor Kajsa Cole and Women of Fire of The Firehouse Church were asked to help Dejia, a mom who had gone through a lot of personal trauma and who was working with our in-CIRCLE team. Pastor Cole and her church loved Dejia, built her up and helped provide a pathway to hope.”- Nicole McCree, in-CIRCLE

Judge Trent Favre, Hancock County Youth Court – “Judge Favre has been vocal about his intention to continue fostering collaborative relationships in the community with service providers. He has been intentional with being proactive, rather than reactive, and with referring families to Canopy for services, as needed. As a result, more Hancock county families are receiving the help that they need and have a renewed sense of hope for a better and brighter future.” – Monique Johnson, South District Manager & Christina Palazzo, Lead Therapist

Charles Jackson, MDCPS Hinds County – “Charles and his team plays an important role to the families that we serve. He works countless hours to ensure the families have everything that they need to live in a healthy, cohesive environment. When asked about the families we serve, Mr. Jackson said, ‘If I don’t do anything else I am going to make sure the children and families have everything they need to be in a safe and healthy environment.’ Mr. Jackson is always available to assist the in-CIRCLE team. He goes beyond the call of duty to ensure the families achieve their goals.” – Tara Young, in-CIRCLE

Heather Clarkson, MDCPS Tunica County – “Heather is a faithful and dedicated worker to her families as well as for Canopy. She is deserving to be recognized for her dedication and passion to serve her families and their children.” – Lashundra Harris, in-CIRCLE

United Way of West Central Mississippi – “The United Way of West Central Mississippi has provided us and our community with many large supply donations of COVID supplies and food boxes. The United Way has continued to award the Warren County Children’s Shelter with funding and even has provided office space to support our therapist and the community. They are also planning an Annual Day of Hope to get community needs met.” – Daniel Wilson, WCCS Program Director

Lt. Kristen Johnson, Jackson County Sheriff Department – “Kristen Johnson is one of Jackson County’s strongest and diligent multi-disciplinary team (MDT) member. She is always willing to go an extra mile to help other MDT members understand how important collaboration of investigations are for the sake of the child victim. She exemplifies great passion in what she does, and is a great model to others with the same mission around child maltreatment.” – Sabreniee Wright, Director, South Mississippi Child Advocacy Center
