Trunk or Treat

Canopy Children’s Solutions hosted Trunk or Treat for the CARES School Jackson’s elementary children. Staff from across the organization decorated their vehicles in exciting themes complete with games and goodies for the kids to enjoy. Many also donned their favorite costumes as a special treat.

After visiting each vehicle, the kids voted on the best design. The winner was Lee Barton, Canopy’s Investigation and Security Manager, with his truck bed graveyard.

Canopy hosts some variation of trick or treating for our CARES School Jackson children each year. Many of the children served through the Day School program at the CARES School are on the autism spectrum. Children on the spectrum may find it difficult to tolerate crowds, loud noises, the texture of costumes, flashing lights and many other sensory elements that are common with Halloween festivities. Hosting a controlled, sensory-friendly Trunk or Treat event allows these children to participate in common childhood activities without causing sensory overload.


Special thanks to everyone who participated and helped give our CARES School Jackson children a wonderful Halloween experience. The smiles on the kids’ faces is a great indicator of a job well done! Happy Halloween!
