Category Archives:

Canopy Seeks Students to Participate in Youth Ambassador Program
Click to read: Canopy Seeks Students to Participate in Youth Ambassador ProgramCanopy Children’s Solutions (Canopy) is excited to announce that our Youth Ambassador Program is back for the 2021 fall semester. This program provides students the ability to serve the...
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Aug 31

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, four out of five youth who attempt suicide showed clear warning...
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Sep 10

Vaping and Mental Health: How It Affects Children’s Brains
Click to read: Vaping and Mental Health: How It Affects Children’s BrainsThe popularity of e-cigarettes has skyrocketed over the past few years. But what are these small electronic devices doing to...
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Feb 10

Nearly 10,000 school-aged children in Mississippi were homeless or were experiencing housing instability during the 2016-2017 school year according to...
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Mar 01

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is becoming an epidemic among our young people with a...
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Sep 10

Young Leaders Needed for Canopy Youth Council
Click to read: Young Leaders Needed for Canopy Youth CouncilThursday, September 9, 2018 4:30 P.M. CANOPY CHILDREN’S SOLUTIONS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE 1465 LAKELAND DRIVE, JACKSON, MS Join Canopy for the...
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Aug 28

Grades are important, they help determine college selections, scholarship eligibility, and can guide future careers. One-third of all teens experience...
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May 01