Mental Health Minute
Click to read: Mental Health Minute

Canopy CEO John Damon offers practical advice to promote positive mental health and to help your gear up for the...

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Canopy is Recognized as a Certified Great Place to Work
Click to read: Canopy is Recognized as a Certified Great Place to Work

Canopy Children’s Solutions (Canopy), Mississippi’s most comprehensive nonprofit provider of children’s behavioral health, education and social service solutions, earns the...

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Participate in a Gift Drive to Grant Wishes this Holiday Season
Click to read: Participate in a Gift Drive to Grant Wishes this Holiday Season

Gratitude is the foundation of joy and showing gratitude by helping others is a great way to get into the...

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CARES School Teacher Receives Classroom Grant
Click to read: CARES School Teacher Receives Classroom Grant

Jennifer Cottrell, an autism spectrum disorder teacher at Canopy Children’s Solutions’ CARES School Hattiesburg, recently received a classroom grant from...

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Be the Light of Hope and Support: National Adoption Month
Click to read: Be the Light of Hope and Support: National Adoption Month

November is Adoption Awareness Month. One of the largest organized initiatives surrounding this month is Orphan Sunday, a movement that...

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When Behavior Tells a Deeper Story
Click to read: When Behavior Tells a Deeper Story

Most people experience heightened levels of anxiety from changes in routine, to fear of illness, or even deeper concerns over security and their basic...

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Halloween 2020
Click to read: Halloween 2020

Creating normalcy for kids is important so Canopy staff helped to make Halloween 2020 feel a little more routine with...

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Mental Health Minute
Click to read: Mental Health Minute

Canopy CEO John Damon offers practical advice to promote positive mental health in your home during Canopy’s Mental Health Minute...

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Building a Culture of Workplace Wellness
Click to read: Building a Culture of Workplace Wellness

Encouraging and promoting “wellness” as an organization certainly includes things like exercise and getting proper nutrition, but wellness is also...

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