The overarching goal in our clinics is to help children effectively “learn how to learn” through the use of various Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) techniques and models. From the data gathered in a child’s initial assessment, an intensive and individualized treatment plan is designed and monitored continuously. Although each child is formally reassessed every 6 months, a unique feature of ABA is the use of ongoing and daily progress monitoring.

Typically, a child receives 20 or more hours per week of therapy, utilizing evidence-based procedures selected based on the child’s individual needs. As such, a variety of practices, including discrete-trials teaching (DTT), naturalistic environment teaching (NET), incidental teaching, and others are frequently employed by our highly-trained and supervised staff of therapists.


Canopy utilizes the Promoting the Emergence of Advanced Knowledge (PEAK) language training system, which is one of 19 published assessments approved for use in ABA therapy. PEAK is unique in its identification of a child’s understanding of how two things relate to one another based on learned experiences.

PEAK also has some of the best clinical research evidence on its effectiveness in helping children with autism and can be used by special education teachers, parents, and caregivers in cooperation with an ABA provider.


We incorporate parent training and involvement into every facet of our treatment program. You know your child best, and we’ll build on your relationship while supporting your role in the treatment process. This approach helps caregivers feel empowered to transfer these new skills into daily life. Parent training sessions focus on basic parenting strategies in the context of behavioral principles of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).

Our team of BCBAs work with parents to identify obstacles and set therapeutic goals for their children, such as better communication, improving instruction following, expanded play interests, and self-help skills.
