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September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. In early 2020, news spread of increased rates of suicides among frontline workers, teens, the elderly, and those grappling with...
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Sep 28

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, four out of five youth who attempt suicide showed clear warning...
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Sep 10

Today’s culture has begun to undermine the magnitude of suicide. Much like violence, which is portrayed in movies, videogames and...
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Aug 26

Soaring suicides are another sign of our toxic social disconnect
Click to read: Soaring suicides are another sign of our toxic social disconnectAmericans are dying — earlier than they have been and often at their own hands. According to the Centers for...
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Dec 27

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is becoming an epidemic among our young people with a...
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Sep 10

Today, adolescent mental health disorders are escalating at an alarming rate. 1 in 5 youth experience a mental health challenge....
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Aug 20

The Alarming Rise in Child Suicide and What You Should Know
Click to read: The Alarming Rise in Child Suicide and What You Should KnowYouth suicide is on the rise. After 15 years of decline, rates took a steady increase at the turn of...
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Apr 12