Volunteering at Canopy Children’s Solutions

Become involved! Canopy Children’s Solutions offers numerous opportunities for you to join us in helping children thrive. We welcome volunteers who are passionate about working with children and serving their community.

The impact volunteers have on Canopy children is invaluable. The more positive interactions our kids experience, the more joy is brought into their lives. We deeply appreciate all of our volunteers and their efforts.

Volunteer opportunities vary in time requirements and length commitments. Most of our volunteer openings are fulfilled during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. There are some instances, such as special events, birthday parties, and toy drives, which may be scheduled during weekend or evening hours.

  • Volunteer at a Canopy Children’s Solutions’ event
  • Host a party, breakfast, or dance at Canopy’s schools or psychiatric residential treatment facility
  • Teach job and interview skills
  • Recruit foster parents
  • Coordinate donation drives
  • Tutor
  • Play games or a sport with the children in our care
  • Provide a personal service
  • Offer spiritual guidance
  • Read to our children
  • Share your special talent with the children
  • General handyman or grounds clean up/work day
Group of teenagers posing for the camera.

To learn more, contact Jamie Beatty, Community Engagement Manager and Volunteer Coordinator, at jamie.beatty@mycanopy.org.

We always welcome companies and their employees to volunteer together. Civic organizations, churches, or other groups bring important interaction with our kids, as well.

Confidentiality Statement
It is the obligation and policy of Canopy Children’s Solutions and its affiliates, Mississippi Children’s Home Society and Cares Center, Inc. to maintain the confidentiality of client information. Client information shall not be revealed to anyone without a properly authorized Release of Information. All volunteers are required to sign a confidentiality statement. Statements will be kept in file in the Compliance Office.


I understand and agree that in the performance of my duties as a volunteer of Canopy Children’s Solutions (Canopy) I must hold in strictest confidence any observations I may make or information I may hear regarding patients, patient families or staff.

I verify that the information provided by me on this application is true, correct and complete. I attest that I haven’t ever been charged with any crime and grant Canopy permission to verify this information in arriving at a decision.

I understand that any false or misleading statements or the omission of any information necessary to make this application complete will result in refection of my application or termination of my service.

Additionally, Canopy has my consent to photograph, video tape, or audio tape me performing my volunteer duties. I understand that these may be used toward the advancement of public education, the promotion of Canopy, and/or any other legitimate purpose.

I understand that upon my successful completion of the volunteer placement processes required at Canopy, I will become a volunteer. As a volunteer, I acknowledge that I will not receive compensation for services.
