Giving to Canopy Children’s Solutions
Canopy Children’s Solutions has been providing care to children since 1912 and continues to help children and families find healing and hope. Donations to Canopy enable us to fulfill our mission of helping children thrive and families overcome extraordinary challenges.
“We look forward to a future in which every child receives the care they need.”
Your options for supporting Canopy are as varied as the children we serve. You may want to make your gift today, partner with us to plan a transformational gift that funds a solution, or lay the foundation to build the future of Canopy. Cash gifts, matching gifts, corporate sponsorships, honorariums, and memorial gifts all make a real difference.
How Your Donations are Used
With your support, Canopy invests in initiatives that help create better lives for children as well as their families. Your contributions help:
- Develop our solutions
- Pursue innovative treatment options
- Provide vital solutions to Mississippi’s children and families
As we celebrate the past, we look forward to a future in which every child who needs care will receive it, and every family that needs support will obtain it. Together, we can guarantee that children will be given the best care when they need it the most.
Our Promise of Stewardship
For over a 100 years, we have faithfully executed our mission through responsible stewardship. The Mississippi Secretary of State’s Report on Charitable Organization in Mississippi consistently reflects this faithful stewardship highlighting our commitment to allocate funds to programs and services for children and families. You may find complete details of our financial stewardship on the Secretary of State’s website under charity listing Mississippi Children’s Home Society, file number 100000083.
Charitable Giving Options
Make a Gift to Canopy Children’s Solutions
It is important to us that you know your gift makes a difference. It is our desire that we align your passions and interests with the critical needs of children.
- Contact the Office of Development for more information
- Donate now by making a secure Gift online
Make an Immediate Impact: Major Gifts
Major gifts strengthen support for children and families of Canopy and provide a way for you to join in our mission and transform lives. Major gifts allow for an immediate impact by meeting critical needs that may go unmet without your support. Contact the Office of Development to discuss your interest.
Planned Giving: Leave a Legacy
Support Canopy with a planned gift or bequest that gives long-term support for children and families. This provides a way for you to join in our mission and ensures your legacy will live on to help children for years to come.
Plan for a future gift to Canopy by including a provision in your will or other estate plans. You can specify how you would like us to use your gift. You can donate stock or other financial assets to realize larger tax savings.
In-Kind Donations
Join us in making a difference in the lives of the children, youth and families we serve by donating goods or services.
Office of Development Contact Information
Office of Development
1465 Lakeland Drive
Jackson, MS 39216
(601) 352-7784
Make a Bank Transfer Donation
Electronic Wire Transfer Information:
Raymond James Financial
Contact: Ginger 601-368-2291
DTC number -0725 Mississippi Children’s Home Society
Account number #26993460
Mississippi Children’s Home Services, Inc., Mississippi Children’s Home Society, and CARES Center, Inc., doing business as (d.b.a.) Canopy Children’s Solutions (Canopy) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed in 1912 in Mississippi. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by United States law.