Together We Can Transform Lives

We invite you to help us transform the lives of children through your company’s financial contributions and employee involvement. By partnering with Canopy, your company or organization can help us achieve our mission of helping children thrive. We offer opportunities for businesses to engage employees in meaningful activities and learn how Canopy makes an impact on the lives of children and families in Mississippi. How can you become involved?

  • Sponsor an Event
    Increase your branding in key demographics that match your audience.
  • Donate
    Offer a percentage of your sales or offer your customers a way to give.
  • Host a Fundraising Event
    Your company or organization can host a fundraising event to support Canopy.
  • Matching Gifts
    Engage your workforce by challenging them to support their community by matching employee contributions.
  • Payroll Deductions
    A quick and easy way to give is by having your gift deducted from your paycheck. Download and present this pledge form to your payroll representative to begin helping our children.

Your donation may be eligible for a dollar-for-dollar tax credit from the state of Mississippi. For more details click here.

To discuss how your corporation can become involved with Canopy, contact:
Office of Advancement
Phone: (601) 352-7784

Mississippi Children’s Home Services, Inc., Mississippi Children’s Home Society, and CARES Center, Inc., doing business as (d.b.a.) Canopy Children’s Solutions (Canopy) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization formed in 1912 in Mississippi. All donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by United States law.
