
2020 Heroic Outcomes

DANDELIONS ARE NATURALLY RESILIENT. They can thrive regardless of their environment. Orchids, on the other hand, require a very specific environment to thrive. However, if given the right amount of water and sunlight, you will see a breathtaking outcome. When it comes to resilience, some people are naturally born like dandelions, others like orchids.

Decades of research has taught us resiliency can be learned. So, if someone is naturally born an orchid, they can learn the resiliency skills of a dandelion and thrive despite the environmental conditions surrounding them. We see these thriving mission moments every day with the children and families we are honored to serve.

The ability to learn resilience is not only true for people, but also organizations. Over the last decade, Canopy has learned the resiliency skills necessary to shift from being a good company to being a great company. These disciplines have uniquely prepared us to thrive during 2020. In the face of multi-layered crises in the environment, Canopy achieved historical outcomes for our children and families!

Canopy’s 2020 Annual Report highlights the Heroic Outcomes we achieved for children and their families in Mississippi. None of which would have been possible without the commitment of our staff, our board of directors, our children and families we serve, and our transformational partners.
